Tuesday 23 December 2014

Happy Christmas!

It's that time of the year again:)
Christmas is here! Or well tomorrow is christmas eve. And this evening I'm flying home to celebrate the holiday with my family. Can't wait!

So happy christmas everybody!

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Cash or credit card?

People who have been to Germany know that here you won't get far with a credit card. Cash is the way to go. And that can be so very frustrating, especially when you're from Denmark and not really used to carrying around cash. I've been living in Germany for 11 months now, and I honestly think that I have used an ATM more during this time than I will for the rest of my life. Okay, that might be an exaggeration but I don't think I'm that far off the mark.

It's not like you can't use a credit card anywhere here in Berlin. Many places accept cards, it's just that you can't count on it. So you still have to make sure to have cash.

Anyway, this just one of the small differences between Germany and Denmark (and many other places).  Living somwhere where you are not depended on having cash on you is definitely something I am looking forward to. Even after 11 months I still am not quite used to this cash society ;-p

Thursday 4 December 2014

No more Sprachenatalier!

Last night, I attended my last German class at Sprachenatalier. Another sign that my time here in Berlin is coming to an end. I've attended class for 32 weeks (so it says on the certificate I received from the school) and I've learned a great deal. I am far from being fluent, but I can construct more or less simple sentences and understand quite a lot. So all in all, I'll say that my German classes have paid off!

But as I still have much to learn, I am considering taking it up again in Copenhagen. It should not be that difficult finding a language school in the Danish capital that offer German classes.

Monday 1 December 2014

Happy December 1st!

December is finally here! If you haven't already figured it out December is my favourite time of the year. It's christmas and my birthday rolled into one, litterally:)
It's filled with light and jollyness. And I am so ready to take on christmas! Bring it on!

Thursday 27 November 2014

The decision has been made...

I'm coming home! When my contract ends mid January I will back my bags and head for Denmark. Now that the decision has been made, I know I've the right choice. I'm ready to move home to Copenhagen. Berlin is great, but it has never truly felt like home. And now feels like a good time to find something new to do in the one place that has always been home.

Let the preparations for a new relocation begin!

Thursday 20 November 2014

Jack, Jack, everywhere Jack!

Now that it's getting colder here in Berlin, I see Jack everywhere. Almost everywhere I look, there he is. Mostly on jackets and backpacks, but I've also spotted him on for example hats.

I am obviously refering to Jack Wolfskin. It seems like you're not a real German unless you own something bearing the iconic paw that symbolises the brand.

Jack does of course also live up to the German idea of pracital over beautiful, not that he isn't pretty, but he's probably leaning a bit more towards practical ;)

Sunday 16 November 2014

Impatiently waiting for christmas

I love christmas! It's absolutely the best time of the year. Every year when November approaches, time seems to slow down. As the days crawl by in a pace that can only be described as extremely slow, I impatientely wait for the calendar to read December.

This year is no exception. I am as impatient as ever and am already comtemplating when I can start christmasing without looking like a christmas nutter.

Psst! The truth is that I've already put up some christmas light. But don't tell anyone ;)

Saturday 15 November 2014

Happy first birthday!

Today, this blog turns one year old! During this past year, I have tried to keep you updated on my experiences as an expat in Berlin. I realise that most posts have been random thoughts or photos of more or less random things. I do, however, hope that you've been entertained nevertheless :)
I realise this sound sort of final, but you won't get rid of me that easily:p
More to come!

Thursday 13 November 2014

One year ago today...

A year ago today, I visited Berlin for the very first time. I was here for a job interview, this job interview is, as you may have guessed, the very same job interview that led me to move to the German capital. A lot has happened since that day and the experience itself seems so far away.
Since I relocated to Berlin, I've moved twice, started to learn a new language, got the hang of the long distance relationship, learned that Germans don't mind blowing their nose in public, bought countless plane tickets, gained heaps of professional experience and much more!
At times, things were moving really fast and time flew by (an example being June, as you may recall). But at other times, it felt like the clocks had stopped. But in any case, 2014 is soon coming to an end.
Now that my contract here is soon fulfilled, I need to consider my next move. The choice comes down to either staying here in Berlin and try to get my contract renewed or moving back to good old Copenhagen. What makes the choice difficult is that what makes the most sense doesn't really feel right. But I guess that's true for many things in life.
I know that whatever I chose I'll be disappointing someone, the question is who do I want to let down the least.
While I'm considering all this, christmas is drawing closer and I am indeed a sucker for christmas. But more on that later!

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Life as a commuter part III

The last two weeks, the schools of Berlin have been closed due to autumn break. And I have been enjoying it! Probably not as much as the children, but still. The reason for my joy? An almost empty tram in the morning on my way to work! I have been enjoying the extra wiggle room immensely. But now it's back to reality! As of yesterday, the kids are back at school and I have to get used to having less space on the tram yet again ;)

Saturday 1 November 2014

So, I've been wondering...

how come is it that German women need a secluded area in the fitness centres to do their weight lifting? Here in Berlin you'll also find fitness centres just for women, again weird! Is it because German women are more shy than women elsewhere? Or that German men are more likely to harrass women, who are working out? Both scenarios seem unlikely to me. But then why?
But I guess that's just one of those small differences between Denmark and Germany...

Sunday 19 October 2014

East Side Gallery

Today I decided to make the most of the lovely autumn weather we're having here in Berlin this Sunday and take a stroll along the East Side Gallery.

The 1.3 km long stretch of the old Berlin wall fascinates me with all its bright colours and beautiful art. Definitely worth a visit.

Tuesday 30 September 2014

From summer to autumn

September is coming to an end and so is the summer. The days are growing shorter and the leaves are changing colour.
I've tried to catch this transition from summer to autumn on camera:

Friday 12 September 2014

A looooong week

Finally, the weekend is here! This week has been one of the longest weeks of my life.
I've had difficulties getting up in the morning, I've been struggling to concentrate and the days have seemed so incredible long. The first week back at work after a holiday is always hard, but this weeks just seems to have been harder than usual. This might have something to do with the fact that is was a very good holiday, I might actually go so far as to saying the best holiday of my life. So the contrast of being back at the office is just so much greater than after your average holiday.

Hopefully, next week will be easier to get through. But before that I am going to enjoy this weekend. I don't have much planned yet, but that actually feels like just the thing I need right now. A nice quiet weekend to recuperate after a hard week's work ;)

Thursday 21 August 2014

So orange is nur Berlin

If you've ever been to Berlin, you might've noticed the bright orange rubbish bins scattered across the city. They actually seem to be on every street corner, so if you somehow managed to miss them, you must have been walking around with your eyes closed :p

Anyway, the rubbish bins might all be orange, but the are not the quite the same. Different text or images are printed on them. I've made a little collection which is by no means exhaustive;)

Wednesday 20 August 2014

The cold that wouldn't leave

So, I've managed to catch a cold. Not that odd, happens all the time. This particular cold has stuck around for a week and a half, but luckily it now seems to be overwith. The cold resulted in something I've never tried before. I lost my voice! It was only for a couple of days, but it makes you realise how often during the day you need your voice. Also, I discovered that it was easier for me to talk Danish, harder to speak English and almost impossible to speak German. I'm assuming that the mothertongue is easier due to the familiarity of the language's or something like that.

But German being a relatively new language caused me a lot of problems. Which was rather unfortunate since I had German class. I managed by whispering or simply keeping quiet.

Losing your voice really makes you appreciate it and I'm really happy it's back!

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Church bells

When I come home after a long day at work, relaxing on my sofa with some mindless TV is on the top of my list. However these days these supposedly relaxing and quiet moments are being ruined. After my move to Friedrichshain, I am living near a church. Nothing wrong with that, I grew up near a church. But this church is something special. Every day at 6pm the church bells start ringing, that in itself is not so strange and it doesn't bother me that I can hear it once in a while. What does bother me is that it keeps ringing for 6 minutes! Every day at 6pm! What is up with that?!? It's invading my quiet time! I can live with the fact that it goes off at what seems like random hours of the day (5.47am, 7.20pm and 1am are just examples). But why must I be submitted to this kind of auditory torture every day? 6 minutes can seem like a really long time, when you're just waiting for the minutes too pass so that you can go back to enjoying your quiet time ;)

Friday 25 July 2014

The little things...

To pass time, procrastinate and otherwise keep my self entertained, I play a little Candy Crush. You could even go so far as to say that it's a guilty pleasure of mine :-p
Anyway, for the last couple of months (yes, months!), I have been stuck at this really difficult level (level 168, in case you're wondering) but today I finally solved it (and is now stuck at the next level ;)).
Advancing to this next level brought a smile to my lips on this otherwise dull and rainy day. It really is about all the little things:)

Sunday 20 July 2014

Best friend

This little fella is my new best friend! I don't think I would've made it through this weekend with out him!

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Just another TV slave

So, I guess I promised that I would elaborate on my TV situation. So here goes...

The flat I moved to in Friedrichshain was TV-less when I moved in. It was furnished, yes. But no TV. And although it's very hip to say "Oh, we don't have a TV, that's too mainstream for us" (or something similar :p), when you come home to an empty flat after a long of work, it's just nice to turn on the TV and relax. And if that makes me a mainstream TV slave, then so be it. I've never been much of a hipster anyway.

So I went out and bought a TV. When I bought my TV, the World Cup was already wrapping up its second week, so I missed quite a lot of matches. Some of the matches I was able to watch online (thanks to ARD and ZDF online live TV), but as my Internet connection is not as good as one could have hoped that was only a half fix. The true solution was going to Saturn and buying a new TV. And I am very happy with that decision.

Even though, all the TV programmes are still in German, it's great to unwind in front of the TV after a long day at work. And thankfully, I now also get BCC World and CNN. And more importantly, Eurosport. The Tour de France has just started after all ;)

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Where did June go?

June flew by so fast I feel slightly dizzy. Being on your own in a city full of strangers doesn't necessarily equal time flying by. But June decided to take off and fly by. Of course, the fact that I visited Copenhagen twice and my parents came to visit plays a large role in this flying business. Maybe the World Cup even contributed or the fact that I now have a TV (more on that later) I don't know, all I know is July is here!

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Could someone please turn down the heat!

I didn't sleep well last night, or the night before that or even the night before that. Why? Because I have trouble sleeping when the room temperature in my beedroom is over 23 degrees. And last night the temperature reached a new high of 27 degrees.
Today is the 5th day in row with temperatures around 30 degrees. And now it's getting old. Let's turn down the heat 5 degrees or so. That would be great. I'm tired of constantly sweating and not be able to sleep at night. So please, turn down the heat.

Thursday 29 May 2014

A new place to call home

The last 2 weeks' time, I have spent moving into my new Friedrichshain flat and moving out of my Weissensee flat.
Today I'm actually handing over the keys to my old flat and leaving it for good. I have been living in the new flat for a couple of days by now and am already starting to settle in. The new flat is a tad closer to work and a great deal closer to the language school, so that's means less time spent on public transportation, which is always a good thing.
The new place doesn't feel quite like home yet, but I can see myself settling in there and I am sure that it won't take long before it starts to feel like home :)

Monday 19 May 2014

The search paid off

I am no longer flat hunting! Just yesterday I got the keys to my new flat and I expect to have moved in by Sunday.

I'm moving to a cosy little flat in Friedrichshain that might be a bit smaller than where I live now but instead it's in a more lively neighbourhood and it's closer to work.

The flat hunt that led me to this flat was rather short lived. And yet again an add on Craigslist was all worth it. Which proves that even though there are a lot of scammers on Craigslist, it shouldn't be ruled out in a search for a place to live.

But I am certainly not planning on moving again before January where I'll either find something more permanent or go back to Denmark. I know I said it before, but this time it's going to last, I hope :p

Friday 9 May 2014

Flat hunting .. again

Just as I thought I was all set for the rest of my stay in Berlin, I find myself flat hunting again. I got the news that I had to move again just as I had started to feel at home in my Weissensee flat and had finally started to get settled with my new routines. As I've mentioned before, this flat was supposed to be it. This was where I was supposed to live until January. But quite unexpectedly my subletter has cut her travels short and has returned to Germany after only three months abroad.

I've have been flat hunting for around two weeks now, but only seriously for about five days and I have a couple of leads already. During the next week, I am going to two viewings and I have already had a look at another flat this week. So I am pretty hopeful and rather confident that I will find somewhere else to live and I am counting on leaving my current flat during the next couple of months.

Although, moving again certainly was a part of my original plan, I am staying positive and hoping that this will lead to something good and maybe even something better :)

Sunday 4 May 2014

Ich lerne jetzt Deutsch

So it's about time I post an update. I've been a little preoccupied lately for reasons I will return to in another post, another day.

For now, I am going to focus on my improving German skills. I've been going to Sprachenatalier twice a week for the last four weeks now. So far I'm liking it. And even though it's slow progress with a lot of repitition, I feel like I am getting something out of it. I understand more of what's going on around me and I am getting a basic understand of the language. Of course it's a huge advantage being a native Danish speaker, since so many aspects of the two languages are similar. In one area the two languages differ greatly, though, and that area is grammar. But since languages (albeit not the German language) is my profession I don't find the grammar that difficult, at least not yet. We haven't gotten to me complicated parts yet, but so far so good :)

So all in all, I must say that I am very satisfied with my choice of language school. And who knows, one day I might be able to blog in German :p

Monday 21 April 2014

Tourist in Berlin

This Easter my parents came to visit me here in Berlin. With them came the opportunity to do some sightseeing. Not that I haven't had the time to do it sooner, it's just not the same when you do it alone. So anyway, I spent parts of my Easter as a tourist. Here are some photos to document my experiences ;)

Sunday 13 April 2014

A Sunday afternoon in Weissensee

This afternoon, I took a walk around the neighbourhood (which yes, does include a small lake). The sun was out most of the time and even though it was a bit windy it was it was great walk! Spring in Berlin isn't bad at all :p

Here are some photos from my trip:

Friday 4 April 2014

Pretty, pretty flowers!

These pretty daffodils are currently decorating my Berlin flat :)
After 4 years of living with a guy that claims to be allergic to daffodils, I am finally able to buy these lovely things. To me daffodils are an essential part of spring and not having been able to buy them have maybe not been torture, but it certainly hasn't been nice. Because look at how pretty they are :) 
So that's at least one positive side effect of living apart. Now I just have to remember to clear the flat of these yellow flowers before Mr boyfriend comes to visit ;)

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Life as a commuter part II

As mentioned earlier, I was not used to commuting before I moved to Berlin. Which of course means that I have no grounds for comparison. I have however made some observations that I find odd and even a bit rude.

Commuters in Berlin generally behave well. They wait to get on the bus, tram or train until everyone has gotten off, they offer their seat to the elderly and so on. But there's one thing I find strange. It might just be me that has a different idea of good public transport behaviour, but I think it's only natural when sitting in an aisle seat and the passenger in the window seat gets off to move to the window seat. This way other passengers wanting to sit down won't have to crawl over you to get to the seat. But apparently that's not how it's done, at least not in Berlin. Everyday, I see people having to squeeze past other passengers to get to an available seat.

An other thing that I have noticed is that no one seems to want to vacate their foldable seat when it's gets crowded. Doing so would free up some space and make room for more passengers. Plus it can't be all that comfortable to be seated while everyone in your imidiate vicinity is standing rather close.

I'm not saying that commuters in Berlin are bad commuters. Because as I mentioned before I don't know how commuters behave everywhere else. I'm merely making an observation.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Back to school!

Picking  a language school is not an easy task. In Berlin there a large selection of places that offer evening courses in German. But I finally found one that I liked. And now I have signed up for a course, that will start the week after next.

I had actually planned to start learning German sooner, but then I wanted to get settled in first and then one day took the other. But now I am finally doing it and I'm looking forward to start learning. I have bought the text book and I actually have to restrain myself from starting on the exercises in it (I know, I'm a nerd).

The school of my choice is Sprachenatalier in Friedricshain. It offers classes at reasonable prices and is situated somewhere I can easily get to. These were some of my criteria. If the course turns out to be worth the money, I'm paying for it only time will tell. I've tried reading reviews of different schools, but it's impossible to conclude anything based on these reviews as language courses highly depend on the teacher. And most schools do after all have several teachers. But now I will give Sprachenatalier a try over the next 8 week's time and hope for the best.

Friday 21 March 2014

Berlin weather report

Now I dare to say it: spring has come to Berlin! The past two days we have been spoiled with 20 degrees and sunny skies:) This exceptionally good weather is obviously not going to continue, but we're on the right track. And I'm not going to let the shower this afternoon ruin my optimism. Mostly because the shower came with the most wonderful smell that is usually reserved for summer showers:)

Here are some snap shots from today:

Thursday 13 March 2014

I survived!

After a week of skiing in the Austrian Alps, I am still alive! Skiing is rather new to me and this was my first real ski holiday. I am sure that I looked like Bambi on the ice and I know that I was going ridiculously slow. I kept falling and still have the bruises to prove it, but all in all I had a good time :)

But a ski holiday is not just about skiing of course ;) And I must admit that I'm more talented at after skiing and making pancakes than the actual skiing. But you don't always have to be good at something to enjoy it. Although it often helps :p

Anyway, now it's back to every day life in Berlin. After 1½ weeks off, it's a bit hard to get into work mode again. But that's just a question of time really.

I've always said that you need a couple of days off to recover from a vacation, this time I actually tried it. I had tickets for a concert in Copenhagen Tuesday night, so after a week of skiing I spent a couple of days in Copenhagen, relaxing and recovering from all the skiing. However, when the alarm went off this morning, it was just as awful as it is after any vacation. So the few extra days of relaxing didn't help. But I guess that's just the way it's supposed to be. After all, in a few days, I'll be back in my usual work mode;)

Thursday 27 February 2014

Could this really be spring?

I would seem that spring has come to Berlin. The birds are tweeting and the sun more willing to show it self. Walking along the Spree, you'll find people sitting in the sun enjoying its warmth. The playgrounds have come to life with laughing children and everyone seems to be smiling more.

It really does seems like spring is here. I am, however, not that easily fooled. One must be a realist and keep in mind that we're only in February. I'm sure the colder weather will return. But until then I'm going to enjoy the spring-like weather the best I can :)

Monday 17 February 2014

Back in Berlin

I am back in Berlin after a great weekend in Copenhagen. As predicted, the weekend flew by. But it was good to be back home, however short. Short but sweet, as they say. I guess I was home just long enough to catch the cold, that mr. Boyfriend had been nursing for a few days :-p
But now I'm back at work where they're currently having me translate from French, something I haven't done for 3½ years. So that's interesting. It's challenging, but I'm actually surprised how much I still remember. It's great experience, anyway. And it's good with some variation from the English and Swedish texts I've been working with.
Otherwise, Berlin is still Berlin. And in some way it's good to be back. I guess mostly because a weekend at home can be rather hectic with the limited time and all. Next on the agenda is a skiing trip to Austria. But that's two weeks away ;)

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Copenhagen here I come!

Today is the day of my first visit to the place I used to call home (and to some extent still do) since I moved to Berlin. It's going to be a busy weekend with lots of things to do and people to see. I'm a bit afraid that the weekend is going to fly by way too quickly. But usually when time flies by it's because you're having fun :) And having a good time is definitely on the agenda!

Even though, I'm getting to know Berlin I still look forward to being in a familiar environment, where I understand what the people around me are saying and where I generally know my way around - in my sleep if necessary (when would that ever be necessary?).

Anyway, I'm sure I will have a great time and look forward to landing i Copenhagen airport tonight. Actually, I can't wait!

Life as a commuter

Every day life in Berlin has kicked in. I am now a commuter. Living in Copenhagen means that virtually everything is reachable by bike. And I am used to hopping on my bike and being at work after a 20 minute ride. So it takes some getting used to, this commuting. Every morning I take the tram, which takes me to a ubahn station in approx. 25 minutes, where I change. From here, I have a 15 minute journey to the station nearest to my work place. Combined with some walking and waiting, it takes me around 50 minutes to get to work. And of course also around 50 minutes to get home when the work day is over.

Berlin's transport system is very extensive and I'm grateful for that ;-) And just like any other large city there's no lack of commuters. It just feels strange to be one of them. I miss my bike, and I especially miss my morning bike ride. It helped me wake up and somehow prepared me for a long day at work.

However, there are also advantages of this commuting business. I have the opportunity to read to and from work, that's hard to do on a bike :-p I'm not affected by the weather as much and the wind conditions don't seem to interest me anymore.

Like anything else, commuting is just something you have to adjust to. And as I sit here on my way to work, I am sure that I will :-)

Friday 7 February 2014

Ikea is the same everywhere!

When moving to a new place a trip to Ikea is essential for most people. Especially, if you're young and have limited funds;)

So obviously, I have already been there. And one thing that strikes me: Ikea is the same everywhere. Not just the funiture, which obviously is the same, with the same names and all. But even the layout of the store, the colour of the paint on the walls, the restaurant - EVERYTHING!

This made it very easy to find the things I needed, since I am no stranger to Ikea ;)

Monday 3 February 2014

A place to call home :)

After almost 4 weeks in the German capital, I am finally starting to settle in. This last Friday was moving day. And I must say, moving from the place I had always known would be very temporary to a more permanent place was great. I now have a place to call home for the next year or so :) After moving in to the new place, I feel more at home in Berlin than I did before. It's still a new city full of strangers, but it's beginning to feel a bit more like home. Even though, the flat might be situated a bit far from work I think that it's just right for me. And that makes up for the 45 min commute (which isn't that bad, really).

Getting the flat was almost too easy. I had expected to have to spend my first time in Berlin flat hunting. But I was so lucky as to find a flat even before I came here! How lucky am I? I posted an ad, and was contacted by heaps and heaps of people. Most of them sounded like scammers and I never responded to their e-mails. But one stood out, she sounded very sincere and honest. So after a bit of e-mail exchange and Skype talks we agreed to a rental contract. And now I am actually living in the flat! Well, not officially. I still have to swing by the Bürgeramt to formally register my address. But that should be taken care of during this week. And then it will be official too :)

Thursday 23 January 2014

Visit from Denmark!

This weekend, I'm getting my first visit from Denmark! And I couldn't be more excited. Although I'm beginning to settle in and getting used to life in Berlin, it's still a bit lonely, when you hardly know anyone and are just beginning to build a new social life in a new city. So a visit from home is very welcome! Especially, when it's from mr. Boyfriend. I'm looking forward to just relaxing and being together. It can't get better than that!

Sunday 19 January 2014

Getting used to working again

My first full working week in Berlin is over, and soon so is the weekend. It has been a long hard week with many new impressions and experiences. After 4 months of not doing much, starting a 40 hour work week is hard. It's funny how you don't have to get used to going from working to not working, but the other way around, it's a whole other story. But even though, this week has been long and I've slept much more that usual, I am confident that I will get used to working life again soon.

My first impression of the new company is good: I have been welcommed very well  and everyone's very overbearing when in comes to my lacking German skills. Speaking of my German skills, I'm picking up on more and more. But it's slow progress. I'm sure some sort of German classes will be a good investment, I just haven't gotten around to that yet.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

New beginnings

The say that all beginnings are hard. When starting any new job there are always things to get used to, people to get to know, routines to familiarise yourself with etc. When starting a new job, in a new city, in a new country, you have to add a million other things to the list. After my first two work days, my head is still spinning. There are so many new impressions to process and so many things to remember. The working culture is also very different in Germany than in Denmark. Which is something else to get used to. Everything from the company structure to lunch breaks is new. And I have still to learn to find my away around. Today, I accidentally took the U-Bahn in the wrong direction on my way to work. Which is very unusual for me. Fortunately, I discovered my mistake before I travelled too far and only ended up being delayed by ten minutes.

So yes, beginnings are hard, but luckily, the people I have met so far – both at work and otherwise – have been very friendly and helpful. And that makes any beginning a little bit easier ;)

Sunday 12 January 2014

But why?

My first impression of Germany in general and Berlin specifically has been great. Except for one thing. It’s something that I knew of before I came here, it is however something that I will never understand. Dubbing! You turn on the TV and immediately recognise the programme as NCIS, a show you actually like, but you soon realise that something is wrong, very wrong! First of all, the voices are all wrong - Gibs doesn’t sound likes Gibs and Siva certainly doesn’t sound like her usual self! Then you realise that it’s because they all speak German.

My German is still very limited and unfortunately, I simply can’t understand what’s being said on German TV. It would have been nice to relax in front of the TV after a long day of doing whatever. But with only German speaking TV programmes I have to choose between concentrating really hard to follow the plot or give my brain some time off and not understand a thing.

I do realise that the tradition of dubbing goes very far back and that Germans shouldn’t change their ways to please non-German speaking people living in or visiting Germany. I just can’t see what’s wrong with subtitles. I grew up watching subtitled TV-show and I turned out great, in my own humble opinion ;) It must be cheaper too. Hiring all these people to do the dubbing must be way more expensive than just hiring a translator to do the job. Of course, being a translator myself, I might be slightly biased in favouring this solution.

The other day, two movies were on. I had a choice between the first Twilight movie and Star Wars Episode III. Both movies were of course dubbed. Knowing that watching a movie originally filmed in English but dubbed in German could ruin the movie for me forever I obviously chose Twilight. Nothing to ruin there. And Star Wars is after all a classic ;)

Friday 10 January 2014

Sprechen Sie Englisch?

Here I am, in a cosy café in Berlin. The search for a free wifi connection paid off:-)
The first couple of days in the German capital have been both hectic and very quiet. I have been to the Bürgeramt to register my address, to the bank to open an account, to the finanzamt to set up tax payments.
But when I return to the flat I currently and for the next 3 weeks call home it's very empty and quiet. I look forward to getting to know people here in Berlin, then it won't be so quiet.
My sentence/question of the week is Sprechen Sie Englisch. I have used it several times and have not always been met with a positive answer. But it has worked out in the end anyway:-)
All in all, my first couple of days in Berlin have been a positive experience!

Tuesday 7 January 2014

This is it!

Tomorrow, I'm leaving for Berlin! The last two months have flown by and now the day of my departure is just around the corner. I'm as prepared as I'll ever be, but I'm not sure I'm ready, if you know what I mean.

It's a very ambivalent feeling; on one hand I'm very excited to start a new job and experience heaps of new things in a new city, on the other hand I'm sad to leave my friends, family and boyfriend behind in Denmark.

So tomorrow, my Berlin adventure will officially start. I'll do my best to post regularly. One of my first priorities is to get online;-)

Stay tuned:-D