Thursday 27 March 2014

Back to school!

Picking  a language school is not an easy task. In Berlin there a large selection of places that offer evening courses in German. But I finally found one that I liked. And now I have signed up for a course, that will start the week after next.

I had actually planned to start learning German sooner, but then I wanted to get settled in first and then one day took the other. But now I am finally doing it and I'm looking forward to start learning. I have bought the text book and I actually have to restrain myself from starting on the exercises in it (I know, I'm a nerd).

The school of my choice is Sprachenatalier in Friedricshain. It offers classes at reasonable prices and is situated somewhere I can easily get to. These were some of my criteria. If the course turns out to be worth the money, I'm paying for it only time will tell. I've tried reading reviews of different schools, but it's impossible to conclude anything based on these reviews as language courses highly depend on the teacher. And most schools do after all have several teachers. But now I will give Sprachenatalier a try over the next 8 week's time and hope for the best.

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