Thursday 13 March 2014

I survived!

After a week of skiing in the Austrian Alps, I am still alive! Skiing is rather new to me and this was my first real ski holiday. I am sure that I looked like Bambi on the ice and I know that I was going ridiculously slow. I kept falling and still have the bruises to prove it, but all in all I had a good time :)

But a ski holiday is not just about skiing of course ;) And I must admit that I'm more talented at after skiing and making pancakes than the actual skiing. But you don't always have to be good at something to enjoy it. Although it often helps :p

Anyway, now it's back to every day life in Berlin. After 1½ weeks off, it's a bit hard to get into work mode again. But that's just a question of time really.

I've always said that you need a couple of days off to recover from a vacation, this time I actually tried it. I had tickets for a concert in Copenhagen Tuesday night, so after a week of skiing I spent a couple of days in Copenhagen, relaxing and recovering from all the skiing. However, when the alarm went off this morning, it was just as awful as it is after any vacation. So the few extra days of relaxing didn't help. But I guess that's just the way it's supposed to be. After all, in a few days, I'll be back in my usual work mode;)

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