Friday 12 September 2014

A looooong week

Finally, the weekend is here! This week has been one of the longest weeks of my life.
I've had difficulties getting up in the morning, I've been struggling to concentrate and the days have seemed so incredible long. The first week back at work after a holiday is always hard, but this weeks just seems to have been harder than usual. This might have something to do with the fact that is was a very good holiday, I might actually go so far as to saying the best holiday of my life. So the contrast of being back at the office is just so much greater than after your average holiday.

Hopefully, next week will be easier to get through. But before that I am going to enjoy this weekend. I don't have much planned yet, but that actually feels like just the thing I need right now. A nice quiet weekend to recuperate after a hard week's work ;)

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