Friday 9 May 2014

Flat hunting .. again

Just as I thought I was all set for the rest of my stay in Berlin, I find myself flat hunting again. I got the news that I had to move again just as I had started to feel at home in my Weissensee flat and had finally started to get settled with my new routines. As I've mentioned before, this flat was supposed to be it. This was where I was supposed to live until January. But quite unexpectedly my subletter has cut her travels short and has returned to Germany after only three months abroad.

I've have been flat hunting for around two weeks now, but only seriously for about five days and I have a couple of leads already. During the next week, I am going to two viewings and I have already had a look at another flat this week. So I am pretty hopeful and rather confident that I will find somewhere else to live and I am counting on leaving my current flat during the next couple of months.

Although, moving again certainly was a part of my original plan, I am staying positive and hoping that this will lead to something good and maybe even something better :)

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