Sunday 4 May 2014

Ich lerne jetzt Deutsch

So it's about time I post an update. I've been a little preoccupied lately for reasons I will return to in another post, another day.

For now, I am going to focus on my improving German skills. I've been going to Sprachenatalier twice a week for the last four weeks now. So far I'm liking it. And even though it's slow progress with a lot of repitition, I feel like I am getting something out of it. I understand more of what's going on around me and I am getting a basic understand of the language. Of course it's a huge advantage being a native Danish speaker, since so many aspects of the two languages are similar. In one area the two languages differ greatly, though, and that area is grammar. But since languages (albeit not the German language) is my profession I don't find the grammar that difficult, at least not yet. We haven't gotten to me complicated parts yet, but so far so good :)

So all in all, I must say that I am very satisfied with my choice of language school. And who knows, one day I might be able to blog in German :p

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