Friday 10 January 2014

Sprechen Sie Englisch?

Here I am, in a cosy café in Berlin. The search for a free wifi connection paid off:-)
The first couple of days in the German capital have been both hectic and very quiet. I have been to the Bürgeramt to register my address, to the bank to open an account, to the finanzamt to set up tax payments.
But when I return to the flat I currently and for the next 3 weeks call home it's very empty and quiet. I look forward to getting to know people here in Berlin, then it won't be so quiet.
My sentence/question of the week is Sprechen Sie Englisch. I have used it several times and have not always been met with a positive answer. But it has worked out in the end anyway:-)
All in all, my first couple of days in Berlin have been a positive experience!

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