Sunday 19 January 2014

Getting used to working again

My first full working week in Berlin is over, and soon so is the weekend. It has been a long hard week with many new impressions and experiences. After 4 months of not doing much, starting a 40 hour work week is hard. It's funny how you don't have to get used to going from working to not working, but the other way around, it's a whole other story. But even though, this week has been long and I've slept much more that usual, I am confident that I will get used to working life again soon.

My first impression of the new company is good: I have been welcommed very well  and everyone's very overbearing when in comes to my lacking German skills. Speaking of my German skills, I'm picking up on more and more. But it's slow progress. I'm sure some sort of German classes will be a good investment, I just haven't gotten around to that yet.

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