Tuesday 14 January 2014

New beginnings

The say that all beginnings are hard. When starting any new job there are always things to get used to, people to get to know, routines to familiarise yourself with etc. When starting a new job, in a new city, in a new country, you have to add a million other things to the list. After my first two work days, my head is still spinning. There are so many new impressions to process and so many things to remember. The working culture is also very different in Germany than in Denmark. Which is something else to get used to. Everything from the company structure to lunch breaks is new. And I have still to learn to find my away around. Today, I accidentally took the U-Bahn in the wrong direction on my way to work. Which is very unusual for me. Fortunately, I discovered my mistake before I travelled too far and only ended up being delayed by ten minutes.

So yes, beginnings are hard, but luckily, the people I have met so far – both at work and otherwise – have been very friendly and helpful. And that makes any beginning a little bit easier ;)

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