Tuesday 12 August 2014

Church bells

When I come home after a long day at work, relaxing on my sofa with some mindless TV is on the top of my list. However these days these supposedly relaxing and quiet moments are being ruined. After my move to Friedrichshain, I am living near a church. Nothing wrong with that, I grew up near a church. But this church is something special. Every day at 6pm the church bells start ringing, that in itself is not so strange and it doesn't bother me that I can hear it once in a while. What does bother me is that it keeps ringing for 6 minutes! Every day at 6pm! What is up with that?!? It's invading my quiet time! I can live with the fact that it goes off at what seems like random hours of the day (5.47am, 7.20pm and 1am are just examples). But why must I be submitted to this kind of auditory torture every day? 6 minutes can seem like a really long time, when you're just waiting for the minutes too pass so that you can go back to enjoying your quiet time ;)

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