Wednesday 20 August 2014

The cold that wouldn't leave

So, I've managed to catch a cold. Not that odd, happens all the time. This particular cold has stuck around for a week and a half, but luckily it now seems to be overwith. The cold resulted in something I've never tried before. I lost my voice! It was only for a couple of days, but it makes you realise how often during the day you need your voice. Also, I discovered that it was easier for me to talk Danish, harder to speak English and almost impossible to speak German. I'm assuming that the mothertongue is easier due to the familiarity of the language's or something like that.

But German being a relatively new language caused me a lot of problems. Which was rather unfortunate since I had German class. I managed by whispering or simply keeping quiet.

Losing your voice really makes you appreciate it and I'm really happy it's back!

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