Wednesday 17 December 2014

Cash or credit card?

People who have been to Germany know that here you won't get far with a credit card. Cash is the way to go. And that can be so very frustrating, especially when you're from Denmark and not really used to carrying around cash. I've been living in Germany for 11 months now, and I honestly think that I have used an ATM more during this time than I will for the rest of my life. Okay, that might be an exaggeration but I don't think I'm that far off the mark.

It's not like you can't use a credit card anywhere here in Berlin. Many places accept cards, it's just that you can't count on it. So you still have to make sure to have cash.

Anyway, this just one of the small differences between Germany and Denmark (and many other places).  Living somwhere where you are not depended on having cash on you is definitely something I am looking forward to. Even after 11 months I still am not quite used to this cash society ;-p

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