Monday 17 February 2014

Back in Berlin

I am back in Berlin after a great weekend in Copenhagen. As predicted, the weekend flew by. But it was good to be back home, however short. Short but sweet, as they say. I guess I was home just long enough to catch the cold, that mr. Boyfriend had been nursing for a few days :-p
But now I'm back at work where they're currently having me translate from French, something I haven't done for 3½ years. So that's interesting. It's challenging, but I'm actually surprised how much I still remember. It's great experience, anyway. And it's good with some variation from the English and Swedish texts I've been working with.
Otherwise, Berlin is still Berlin. And in some way it's good to be back. I guess mostly because a weekend at home can be rather hectic with the limited time and all. Next on the agenda is a skiing trip to Austria. But that's two weeks away ;)

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