Monday 3 February 2014

A place to call home :)

After almost 4 weeks in the German capital, I am finally starting to settle in. This last Friday was moving day. And I must say, moving from the place I had always known would be very temporary to a more permanent place was great. I now have a place to call home for the next year or so :) After moving in to the new place, I feel more at home in Berlin than I did before. It's still a new city full of strangers, but it's beginning to feel a bit more like home. Even though, the flat might be situated a bit far from work I think that it's just right for me. And that makes up for the 45 min commute (which isn't that bad, really).

Getting the flat was almost too easy. I had expected to have to spend my first time in Berlin flat hunting. But I was so lucky as to find a flat even before I came here! How lucky am I? I posted an ad, and was contacted by heaps and heaps of people. Most of them sounded like scammers and I never responded to their e-mails. But one stood out, she sounded very sincere and honest. So after a bit of e-mail exchange and Skype talks we agreed to a rental contract. And now I am actually living in the flat! Well, not officially. I still have to swing by the Bürgeramt to formally register my address. But that should be taken care of during this week. And then it will be official too :)

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