Wednesday 9 July 2014

Just another TV slave

So, I guess I promised that I would elaborate on my TV situation. So here goes...

The flat I moved to in Friedrichshain was TV-less when I moved in. It was furnished, yes. But no TV. And although it's very hip to say "Oh, we don't have a TV, that's too mainstream for us" (or something similar :p), when you come home to an empty flat after a long of work, it's just nice to turn on the TV and relax. And if that makes me a mainstream TV slave, then so be it. I've never been much of a hipster anyway.

So I went out and bought a TV. When I bought my TV, the World Cup was already wrapping up its second week, so I missed quite a lot of matches. Some of the matches I was able to watch online (thanks to ARD and ZDF online live TV), but as my Internet connection is not as good as one could have hoped that was only a half fix. The true solution was going to Saturn and buying a new TV. And I am very happy with that decision.

Even though, all the TV programmes are still in German, it's great to unwind in front of the TV after a long day at work. And thankfully, I now also get BCC World and CNN. And more importantly, Eurosport. The Tour de France has just started after all ;)

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