Thursday 27 February 2014

Could this really be spring?

I would seem that spring has come to Berlin. The birds are tweeting and the sun more willing to show it self. Walking along the Spree, you'll find people sitting in the sun enjoying its warmth. The playgrounds have come to life with laughing children and everyone seems to be smiling more.

It really does seems like spring is here. I am, however, not that easily fooled. One must be a realist and keep in mind that we're only in February. I'm sure the colder weather will return. But until then I'm going to enjoy the spring-like weather the best I can :)

Monday 17 February 2014

Back in Berlin

I am back in Berlin after a great weekend in Copenhagen. As predicted, the weekend flew by. But it was good to be back home, however short. Short but sweet, as they say. I guess I was home just long enough to catch the cold, that mr. Boyfriend had been nursing for a few days :-p
But now I'm back at work where they're currently having me translate from French, something I haven't done for 3½ years. So that's interesting. It's challenging, but I'm actually surprised how much I still remember. It's great experience, anyway. And it's good with some variation from the English and Swedish texts I've been working with.
Otherwise, Berlin is still Berlin. And in some way it's good to be back. I guess mostly because a weekend at home can be rather hectic with the limited time and all. Next on the agenda is a skiing trip to Austria. But that's two weeks away ;)

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Copenhagen here I come!

Today is the day of my first visit to the place I used to call home (and to some extent still do) since I moved to Berlin. It's going to be a busy weekend with lots of things to do and people to see. I'm a bit afraid that the weekend is going to fly by way too quickly. But usually when time flies by it's because you're having fun :) And having a good time is definitely on the agenda!

Even though, I'm getting to know Berlin I still look forward to being in a familiar environment, where I understand what the people around me are saying and where I generally know my way around - in my sleep if necessary (when would that ever be necessary?).

Anyway, I'm sure I will have a great time and look forward to landing i Copenhagen airport tonight. Actually, I can't wait!

Life as a commuter

Every day life in Berlin has kicked in. I am now a commuter. Living in Copenhagen means that virtually everything is reachable by bike. And I am used to hopping on my bike and being at work after a 20 minute ride. So it takes some getting used to, this commuting. Every morning I take the tram, which takes me to a ubahn station in approx. 25 minutes, where I change. From here, I have a 15 minute journey to the station nearest to my work place. Combined with some walking and waiting, it takes me around 50 minutes to get to work. And of course also around 50 minutes to get home when the work day is over.

Berlin's transport system is very extensive and I'm grateful for that ;-) And just like any other large city there's no lack of commuters. It just feels strange to be one of them. I miss my bike, and I especially miss my morning bike ride. It helped me wake up and somehow prepared me for a long day at work.

However, there are also advantages of this commuting business. I have the opportunity to read to and from work, that's hard to do on a bike :-p I'm not affected by the weather as much and the wind conditions don't seem to interest me anymore.

Like anything else, commuting is just something you have to adjust to. And as I sit here on my way to work, I am sure that I will :-)

Friday 7 February 2014

Ikea is the same everywhere!

When moving to a new place a trip to Ikea is essential for most people. Especially, if you're young and have limited funds;)

So obviously, I have already been there. And one thing that strikes me: Ikea is the same everywhere. Not just the funiture, which obviously is the same, with the same names and all. But even the layout of the store, the colour of the paint on the walls, the restaurant - EVERYTHING!

This made it very easy to find the things I needed, since I am no stranger to Ikea ;)

Monday 3 February 2014

A place to call home :)

After almost 4 weeks in the German capital, I am finally starting to settle in. This last Friday was moving day. And I must say, moving from the place I had always known would be very temporary to a more permanent place was great. I now have a place to call home for the next year or so :) After moving in to the new place, I feel more at home in Berlin than I did before. It's still a new city full of strangers, but it's beginning to feel a bit more like home. Even though, the flat might be situated a bit far from work I think that it's just right for me. And that makes up for the 45 min commute (which isn't that bad, really).

Getting the flat was almost too easy. I had expected to have to spend my first time in Berlin flat hunting. But I was so lucky as to find a flat even before I came here! How lucky am I? I posted an ad, and was contacted by heaps and heaps of people. Most of them sounded like scammers and I never responded to their e-mails. But one stood out, she sounded very sincere and honest. So after a bit of e-mail exchange and Skype talks we agreed to a rental contract. And now I am actually living in the flat! Well, not officially. I still have to swing by the Bürgeramt to formally register my address. But that should be taken care of during this week. And then it will be official too :)