Thursday 15 January 2015

My time in Berlin is coming to an end...

Soon I will be leaving Berlin. I am moving back to Copenhagen. Not because Berlin isn't a great city, but because it isn't Copenhagen. It isn't home.
This past year in Berlin has been hard at times and easier at others. One thing is certain it has been an experience. I am happy that I chose to to move to Berlin, but I am also happy to be going home.
It feels like it's time to leave now, I have gotten all out of this experience that I could.
And I am not leaving for good, one day I will return to Berlin, but probably just for a short visit ;)

Thursday 8 January 2015

Getting ready to leave Berlin

My time in Berlin is coming to an end and in little over a week, I will be back in Copenhagen. But leaving Germany has turned out to require a lot of work. The things that could be taken care of online or by a quick phone call when I left Copenhagen seems to be a lot more complicated in Germany. Here signatures and stamps are required to do anything. Sometimes it seems that they've have search for the most difficult way to do something and then decided on that. But I guess that's just the German way to do it. They do seem to be rather fond of their bureaucratic ways..

Luckily, it seems that I have everything in order. There are still some things to be taken care of, but I don't think any of them will cause problems.

At least I hope not ;)