Tuesday 24 December 2013

Happy christmas

Christmas is here and later today the house will be filled with guests. Just like it's supposed to be:-) I've always loved christmas and every year I look very much forward to it. And this year is no exception;-) It is however a bit different this year; in two week's time, I will be leaving for Berlin. And I'm looking forward to spending that time among family and friends. Starting to night.

Happy christmas everyone!

Friday 6 December 2013

It just got real!

Although, I signed an employment contract already and have known I am moving to Berlin for three weeks now, it didn`t become real until I booked my one-way plane ticket to Berlin. One-way!! That`s so incredibly definite and also a little bit scary. But anyway,  on 8 January 2014 I am leaving Copenhagen to settle down in the German capital! No turning back now ;-)

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Progress, progress, progress!

Moving to another country entails a lot of work and it seems like the more points I check off my list the more keep popping up. I keep finding new things that need to be taken care of. However, I am getting there, at least so I think. Ask me again tomorrow, and I might tell you otherwise.
But at least my employment contract is now in place. I`ve found a place to stay in Berlin for the first month or so and I have a good lead on a more permanent living situation. So that`s some major areas that are now covered.

So I am making progress! And yay for that:-)