Tuesday 24 December 2013

Happy christmas

Christmas is here and later today the house will be filled with guests. Just like it's supposed to be:-) I've always loved christmas and every year I look very much forward to it. And this year is no exception;-) It is however a bit different this year; in two week's time, I will be leaving for Berlin. And I'm looking forward to spending that time among family and friends. Starting to night.

Happy christmas everyone!

Friday 6 December 2013

It just got real!

Although, I signed an employment contract already and have known I am moving to Berlin for three weeks now, it didn`t become real until I booked my one-way plane ticket to Berlin. One-way!! That`s so incredibly definite and also a little bit scary. But anyway,  on 8 January 2014 I am leaving Copenhagen to settle down in the German capital! No turning back now ;-)

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Progress, progress, progress!

Moving to another country entails a lot of work and it seems like the more points I check off my list the more keep popping up. I keep finding new things that need to be taken care of. However, I am getting there, at least so I think. Ask me again tomorrow, and I might tell you otherwise.
But at least my employment contract is now in place. I`ve found a place to stay in Berlin for the first month or so and I have a good lead on a more permanent living situation. So that`s some major areas that are now covered.

So I am making progress! And yay for that:-)

Monday 18 November 2013

The world of to do lists!

A new week has started and the fact that I will relocate to Berlin in less than 2 months is starting to dawn on me. So in order to keep track of all the different things I have to do in order to make this move happen, I have started not one, not two but in fact several to do lists. Moving to an other country is far from simple! But I'm hoping that it'll all be worth it in the end. Actually, I think it will be :)

And I must say that my to do lists are making it all a bit easier. Or at least a bit more organised;)

Friday 15 November 2013

So it begins!

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that I now find myself in the situation where I am moving to Berlin in the new year. I did after all apply for the job that will bring me there ;) Nevertheless, I now sit here with an official invitation to come to Berlin to work. Which is great, of course. But, it's also a bit intimidating. I mean, there are so many things that needs to be taken care of. First of all, where will I live? No idea. I have a couple of months to prepare and, more importantly I guess, to get used to the idea of leaving my friends, family and boyfriend behind in Copenhagen.

Anyway, on this blog I will write about my expat adventure and quite possibly jot down random thoughts as I go along.